Application advantages - FlashChatApp - is Top Apps

Application advantages

By flashchat34 0 Comment February 4, 2019

FlashChat is your most easy way to convert visitors into “easy-to-go” customers, including the most powerful Facebook magnet of the paying customers.

FlashChat is the only application capable of converting both the store clicks and Social media audience, to your one stop shoppers in a long distance – easy enough, several clicks and you are good to go! Our server

And you get not only the messenger, abandoned recovery tool, or something of a kind, but the mighty instrument to rise up you brand awareness and spared the word of your brand, throughout the whole internet, and multiply the number of your clients. Adding even more syncing your Facebook and your page store with the app, opens the path to numerous opportunities, of not missing of literally every interested customer and get the most from the traffic going. Automated store working 24\7 is included and ready to save your time and nerves. For american users we use .

On the top of that you get all necessary instruments for the data leverage, and features for automated message conversions, which all collected to your account for the easy access any time you’ll need them.

And now to some key features of the app, that would drive you to the absolute new level of selling and awareness. And the first in the list is Smart Reminder – unit that will arise the percentage of the succsesfull buys by reminding people about the item left right inside of the cart. The next goes Messenger list, including plugins like “Add to Cart” and “Messenger Pop-up”, that can help you to track activity of the users. Another great tool is Welcome message and auto replays in your Facebook store, for you always be on the same page with your customers (secure proxy For the Message List engagement, you can use 1-2-1 campaigns, as well as “Offer of the Day”, to skyrocket your sales strait to the Moon. Mass Massager is a great way to bring your customers an invitation or reminder letter, also to aware them of a sale-off, or discount week. “Hot words” feature in the auto replies folder to say just the right words to your shopper. Facebook Store customers, to convert your FAQ messages into selling units.

FlashChat is an easy and irresistible weapon to bit all of the competitors and win the cart of your shopper, even more – to go beyond the border and provide just the first class support and use ideal timing to bring the customer in. All of those who in need of helping or seekers of the product of yours will be in absolute understanding that you are right the one they need! No coding needed to start this puppy up! Ux experience is not in need over here! Our plug & play features are simple for using and understanding. Just set the needed content and tailor that to the type of the business you are on to. Monitor your users activity to be on the edge of the people’s needs! Analysis activity and clicks right inside your dashboard. Joining is never been so easy – just use your Facebook credentials to create account and your all set to start!